Stuff Happens


What do the problems, troubles, and challenges that periodically exist in my life actually mean?

During six decades of living in good times and bad, I’ve come to accept that problems, troubles, and challenges will periodically exist in my life. 

Sometimes, the problems are the consequences of my decisions or behaviors.

Other times, troubles in my life stem from the consequences of the decisions or actions of others.

Often, the challenges in my life have nothing to do with the consequences of my behavior or decisions.  Speaking of God, Jesus said:  “He makes the sun rise on both the evil and the good and sends rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous”.  (Matthew 5:45b CEB) 

I know from examples in the Scriptures that there are people who experienced trials and trouble, the cause of which was something totally out of their control.  In other words, stuff just happened.  For example:

  • Joseph – whose brothers abandoned him and left him for dead.
  • David – who was sentenced to death by King Saul even though David was selected to be the next king.
  • Job – who lost his family, his fortune and his health because Satan wanted to prove to God that Job was righteous only because he was blessed.

In each of these cases, God’s will was accomplished.  We’d consider each of these individuals to be “good people”, yet bad stuff happened. They did not have control, and the circumstances had nothing to do with their goodness nor God’s. Joseph ended up second in command in Egypt and saved Israel (and the lineage of Jesus) from 7 years of famine.  David became King for 40 years and established the lineage toward Jesus.  Job’s health and fortunes were restored, and God conversed with him directly.

Though we may not understand why certain stuff happens in our lives, the Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”  Psalm 91:14-16 NLT