Living in Freedom Everyday (L.I.F.E.) Recovery for Men (Oct 2024 Cohort)

$49.00 / month for 6 months

This L.I.F.E. Group is a confidential, mentor-led class dedicated to helping men to escape from the bondage and consequences of unwanted sexual behaviors and equip men to have more healthy minds and behaviors.



Let’s face it.  Unwanted, unhealthy, and compulsive sexual behaviors such as pornography, compulsive lustful thoughts, and adultery are just as prevalent among Christians as they are in society at large.  There are many believers who, because of painful experiences, habits, and choices, compulsively use sex, sex substitutes and relationships as an escape or medication to help them cope with life.  Many of these same people desperately long to be free from their bondage and intensely desire to live in sexual integrity for themselves, God and their spouses.


This L.I.F.E. Group is a support group with coaching and curriculum dedicated to helping men to escape from the bondage of unwanted sexual behaviors and their consequences and equip them to walk in God’s unconditional love with more freedom.


While not a therapy group, the L.I.F.E. Group for Men is facilitated by a married Christian man who is a trained mentor/coach and who has experienced both devastation and transformation from sexual brokenness, now on a recovery journey of 12+ years and having facilitated the content and curriculum in the L.I.F.E. Recovery Guides for 4+ years.


The group incorporates guided curriculum, spiritual discipline, small group accountability and ongoing prayer and support for those dealing with sexual brokenness.  While there is much within the content and curriculum to help the struggler identify and deal with their wounds, we also encourage individual therapy to address root issues that often lead to unwanted behaviors, both as individuals and in marriage relationships.


The ongoing support so critical to the process of transformation comes from the connection of lives through this small group, which involve open, transparent, and accountable connections with fellow strugglers.



The format of the L.I.F.E. Group for Men meets via Zoom.  The first week will accommodate introductions and getting to know each other a bit, followed by weekly study and discussion of the specific curriculum for approximately 7 months.


The curriculum of the L.I.F.E. Guide is based on seven principles, similar to the eight principles from Celebrate Recovery.  The class would probably be best described as a CR “Step Study” specifically tailored to those who struggle with unwanted sexual behaviors.


Below is the syllabus for the L.I.F.E. Recovery Group for Men:

Principle One:  We admit that we have absolutely no control of our lives. Sexual sin has become unmanageable.

  1. Admitting Our True Condition
  2. Understanding Our Cycle
  3. Identifying our Roots and Desires

Principle Two:  We believe in God, accept the grace offered through His Son, Jesus Christ, and surrender our lives and our wills to Him on a daily basis.

  1. Exploring Our Reluctance
  2. Surrendering Control
  3. Placing Hope in God

Principle Three:  We make a list of our sins and weaknesses and confess those to a person of spiritual authority.

  1. Admitting Our Darkness
  2. Outlining Our Darkness
  3. Confessing Our Darkness

Principle Four:  We seek accountability and to build our character as children of God.

  1. Accepting Accountability
  2. Assessing Our Character
  3. Cultivating Our Character

Principle Five:  We explore the damage we have done, accept responsibility, and make amends for our wrongs.

  1. Assessing the Damage
  2. Planning Amends
  3. Living Amends

Principle Six:  In fellowship with others we develop honest, intimate relationships, where we celebrate our progress and continue to address our weaknesses.

  1. Practicing the Program
  2. Changing Our Cycle
  3. Growing In Spirituality

Principle Seven:  As we live in sexual integrity, we carry the message of Christ’s healing to those who still struggle, and we pursue a vision of God’s purpose for our lives.

  1. Telling Your Story
  2. Sharing Your Pain
  3. Discovering Your Vision


The tuition for the L.I.F.E. Group for Men is $49/month plus the cost for the workbook (LIFE Recovery Guide for Men), which can be found here:


This next cohort of the L.I.F.E. Recovery Group for Men will meet on Thursdays at 6:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Eastern beginning October 2, 2024.


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